Inauguration Week

Rainbow colored banner with text: Lighting the Way

Inauguration Week

Inauguration of President Sunil Kumar: September 30–October 7

Inauguration events were held throughout the week, across our four campuses and online, including an academic symposium on One Health, community days for friends and neighbors, and a Day of Service.

On Friday, October 6, the Tufts community, special guests, and and delegates from more than 85 academic institutions and learned societies around the world attended President Kumar's Installation Ceremony.

President Kumar continues to build on the legacy of past presidents and strengthen Tufts as a student-centered research university dedicated to advancing knowledge and creating solutions that help address complex challenges. His presidency is committed to providing transformative experiences for all students and faculty and preparing them to become leaders—in their careers and communities.

The Inauguration of Sunil Kumar

Celebrations across Tufts' four campuses culminated in the installation of Sunil Kumar as the university's 14th president on Friday, Oct. 6