Renaming the Science and Engineering Complex (SEC)

Renaming the Science and Engineering Complex (SEC)

November 13, 2024

Dear members of the Tufts University community,

We are excited to announce that Loring Tu, a professor in the Department of Mathematics, has made a substantial gift to name the Science and Engineering Complex (SEC) in honor of his late grandfather, Tsungming Tu, who was a renowned medical scientist and expert on pharmacology, toxicology, and medical education. Going forward, the SEC will be known as the Tsungming Tu Complex (TTC).

Originally opened in 2017, the SEC expanded the university's science and engineering facilities by linking new construction with renovated spaces. This complex provides diverse opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations across the School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Engineering. Given that the complex was designed, in part, to foster discoveries in science, Professor Tu felt this was a particularly fitting way to recognize his grandfather’s legacy.

We are deeply grateful for Professor Tu’s gift, which will continue to advance and lead research and education at Tufts University. We invite you to learn more on Tufts Now.

Best wishes,

Sunil Kumar
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Bárbara M. Brizuela
Dean, School of Arts and Sciences
Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Professor of Education

Kyongbum Lee
Karol Family Professor
Dean, School of Engineering
Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering